Thursday, January 2, 2020

What crisis?

The cricket teams have chosen to wear a black armband at their match on Friday, and a one-minute of applause to acknowledge the fire volunteers, according to Sydney Morning Herald on New Year’s Day.

As I had read this, I wondered why wasn’t a one-minute on the NYE events federally given to all the people who had burned to death in 2019? Why did the cities choose fireworks, when there are fires on banned lists in most states?

And why did someone paint over this excellent ‘crisis’ painting of Morrison on holiday before Christmas?

In his New Year message Morrison said that there was “no better place to raise kids anywhere on the planet” (Guardian, 1/01/20). He doesn’t seem to understand the ‘crisis’: fire, but he does understand ‘encouraging’ people to walk away from the fires and ignore them, just as he is.

2019, as reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, is the “deadliest day of the worst fire season”, with more than 100 bushfires in NSW, 50 in Qld, more in Vic and SA, more than 1,000 houses destroyed and 18 people died – including 3 firefighters - but Morrison doesn’t think it’s a ‘crisis’. There’s a smoke cloud making ACT’s air 23 times worse than anywhere else in the world, and a cloud of smoke over the south island of New Zealand! And it’s not a crisis.

ScuMo needs to get his brain in shape. He shouldn’t be at a cricket competition on Friday – in fact it shouldn’t even be on because there’s no safe air to breathe! I support the painter who painted the ‘crisis’. It should have stayed on the wall. At least it’s still viewable... like here.

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