Sunday, January 12, 2020

Morrison: PM, not PM?

Scott Morrison became Australia’s Prime Minister when Malcolm Turnbull was kicked out. It had been Dutton who thought he would be there, but Morrison managed to get enough votes from his LNP party. Why was he elected? Well, he shouldn’t have been.

He was the managing director of Tourism Australia in 2006 when he was fired. Why? We weren’t told, but that has come out now. In August 2006 the Australian Leisure Management wrote about Morrison being sacked that year, titled “Federal government sacks Tourism Australia managing director”. It didn’t raise any reasons about why the minister, Fran Bailey, had acted that way. Fiona Carruthers wrote an article about this same matter for AFR in September 2018, titled “Bloody hell! When ScoMo lost a political knife fight”; Sean Kelly wrote for The Monthly in November 2018, titled “Looking for Scott Morrison”; Karen Middleton wrote an article in The Saturday Paper in November 2018, titled “Auditor-general found Morrison breaches”; Michael Sainsbury wrote for Crikey in February 2019, titled “A close look at Scott Morrison’s CV”; Karen Middleton wrote again for The Saturday Paper in June 2019, titled “Fresh documents in Morrison’s sacking”; Amy Remeikis wrote for The Guardian in January 2020, titled “, covering mostly the bushfires but also mentioned his firing in 2006. There are many other more journalists that we would read. All of them wrote about Morrison fired from his job in 2006, yet they were not given the essential details, even after asking the government for them.

So why was Morrison fired in 2006? Why did he stand again for the LNP and got elected? Why aren’t the public allowed to know all the details of this? Why was he elected to be PM over Turnbull? He certainly shouldn’t be the PM until this is all sorted out, and if it’s not ever sorted out then he SHOULD NOT be the PM.

Morrison’s latest behaviour is extremely poor. He went to Hawaii before Christmas, with his family, and didn’t even tell the country he was going on holiday… perhaps he was Nero, playing his music instrument as the country burned… and burned…. and burned.

When he came back to Australia (yes, Australia people called him back!) he argued about paying volunteer firefighters, claiming that was “not a priority”.

Before he gave up helping the bushfires, he had planned on introducing a religious bill – allegedly against discrimination for religion, yet he absolutely ignores the fact that that bill will reintroduce discrimination against atheists, LGBTI, A&TSI and so many other people, including Muslim and every other non-Christian religion. This country is secular and does not include religion.

Morrison and the LNP have shocking policies about refugees. It’s been months – years ­- since Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s PM, offered places for refugees still held in Nauru and Papua New Guinea, but they’re still there.

All people have human rights: refugees, it seems, do not. All people own this country: the government only manages it. All people are allowed their own faith, whether that is religion or not. Climate change does exist.

This country considers the politics as democratic / republic / conservative / leftist / central / National / Liberal / Labor / One Nation / Greens / independents, and much more added into them. How Australia is ‘managed’ needs to be sorted out. Politics do not run the lives of everyone here, people run politics. We are not specifically democratic, nor are we specifically republic: Australian is a “representative democracy” (look that up if you need to). That means that the government works for us.

Scott Morrison is not a good prime minister at all. A new person should NOT be a person who is a minister (either politics or religion) but a person who can manage the businesses of electees in the government who will manage our public lives. Morrison should walk away, now, and let us get on with our own lives.

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