Friday, January 29, 2016

What's happening?

I watched ABC’s 7.30  last night when Julia Baird talked with John Harwood, chief Washington correspondent for CNBC, about Donald Trump as a candidate as president for the Republican party in the USA. Last year, 3 November, Harwood had upset Trump when he had asked him if he was “running a ‘comic book’ version of a presidential campaign”. Websites around the USA took either Trump’s side or Harwood’s. 

Baird had previously also seen Trump kicking a reporter, the Fox News host Megyn Kelly, out from any interviews about his candidacy. Kelly had read a list of things Trump had called women – and he denied it, saying that she was reading her own list. He contacted Good Morning America and told them that he was “considering boycotting the debate”. 

Trump is worse than Australian’s PM, Malcolm Turnbull, but the public who support either of these guys don’t seem to care what they are doing, why they’re doing it, or how they’re doing it. Trump seems to have a huge support team who will vote him ahead of the other 3 Republican presidential candidates. Why? Turnbull seems to have a huge support team who will vote him ahead of any LNP candidates. Why? 

Across the ditch I’ve also seen this happening in NZ. We can read that John Key, the National prime minister, has been only in the National party since 2006, yet he was voted up to PM in 2008 and is still there, with no definite possible change. He treats NZ like a dump place – he just does whatever he likes, not at all whatever the whole country would like. According to, “the word 'poverty' has not featured even once in any of Key's state of the nation speeches”. 

Turnbull has taken on this business, continuing to do the same here that Abbott and his cronies were helping him to do beforehand. He’s put two very bad ministers, Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison, in very important positions: Dutton is the Immigration Minister and Morrison is the Treasurer. Neither of them have added decency into how they act – they simply act how they feel, not how they should be. For Dutton, shutting asylum seekers on Nauru or Manus Islands is bordering the “illegal” actions, and, for Morrison, his attempt to process a decent budget is just a sad future for the entire country. 

So why are these men standing for or working in their country? Trump’s a billionaire, Turnbull has more than $200 million (in Cayman Islands, I believe) and Key sounds pretty rich too – he previously, before election, had a job that paid him an annual salary of $2.25 million. How can being so rich work for them as the “leader” of their country? 

Is this why they are signing the TPPA or theFTPA and involving themselves with the funds that other countries will make? 

Last year SMH presented a list of far too many companies who had earned more than $1 billion in trading 2013-2014 and hadn’t paid any tax or much at all. One hundred companies showed up with over one billion dollars income. SMH said that “News Australia, which had a turnover of $3.9 billion between its Australian arms, had $97.2 million in net income last year and paid $4.2 million in tax.” Owned by Rupert Murdoch. Only 4% tax. Surprise, surprise. 

Trump loves guns and dislikes women, according to previous reports. John Harwood said he was watching Trump seeming to wrap supporters in his hand. Turnbull here in Aus seems to have done something similar with people who don’t see anyone else who could be the PM. There’s a growing disparity between Turnbull and Shorten on the polls – Turnbull has soared ahead. In NZ the same thing has happened with Key, who might, it seems, get in for a fourth time. (If you’re interested in learning how wrong this man is, read this website.)

Julia Baird spoke very openly to John Harwood. I think she sees a lot in Trump that I see. Perhaps she also sees it in Turnbull, and maybe she even sees it in Key. Why are we making decisions now which seem to allow very, very rich people to run our countries down? Where will these people go to live when each country becomes bankrupt? Who will actually live here and own our entire country, including all our houses, and set exorbitant rents which the lowest people on the poverty line can’t afford? 

What is happening to us???

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