at Windmills,
which I’d written four months before my stroke, says a lot of what I still
feel. In my blog I only wrote 8 during 2013 – my worst year ever. Okay,
so that applies now to 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and still thinking through
2019, because they all seem to be worse than last year. There were 61
blogs in 2016, but back down to 11 in 2019. I don’t know why they rose and
dropped. Perhaps I need to have a goal – 104 this year! That would be two a
week, which is the least I should be doing. Or should it be 52, just one a
week? Hmmm…
When I
started this blog I wrote of politics: they frustrated me so much, after
LNP took over. I wrote a poem intended for Tony Abbott, but I can’t find out if
I’d ever posted it. I used it, re-addressed to Malcolm Turnbull, at a Logan
Library poetry competition. Now I’ve posted it here, this time addressed to
Scott Morrison. They’re all LNP, no different…
Dear Prime Minister…
Don’t tell me not to protest,
I’m going to speak my mind.
I’m mad as hell at where we’re at,
the course that you’ve defined.
You know that what you’re doing’s wrong,
you can lie but you can’t hide
the devastation you leave behind –
what happened to your pride?
You do not have a mandate,
regardless of what you think…
are there no depths left
to which you will not sink?
We used to have a country
of which we could be proud
but your climate change denial
is leaving a big dust cloud.
You’re killing the Reef, the trees, the earth,
you’ve all but lost the plot.
Our heritage, our future,
to you don’t mean a jot.
You’ve taken from the poor,
the gap widens in every way
but it’s not the poor who’ve got us
to the state we’re in today.
You’ve no shred of humanity
to care for refugees,
could you survive in the appalling conditions
your minister decrees?
We’re moving backwards far too fast,
the Lucky Country no more -
we lost that title well and truly
when you got your foot in the door.
environmental care,
Gonski, Holden, stop the boats –
you don’t want them here.
You spouted big before the vote –
you promised no surprise -
yet all you’ve done since taking office
is prove you’re full of lies.
We’re tired of you Prime Minister,
you don’t say what you mean.
We’re waiting for the day
when you will finally come clean.
Now it’s time to tell the truth –
what are your plans for us?
Not that we’d believe you
when all you say is suss.
You’ve had your fun, you’ve sowed the seeds,
Murdoch can now reap…
this country is Australia,
that you sold down the drain too cheap.
I still
like that.
blogs included my statements which I feel pretty good about, like:
“Deny, continue to
deny, and eventually people believe you rather than the factual evidence.” – Words
can hurt, 13 April 2014
Other blogs spoke about
my ‘friends’ before I lost them, like I’m out there, 2 August 2014. Had
they walked away from me or did I leave them? Why? Any readers who were
my friends, I invite you to contact me and we can start again.

Still, as long as I can
keep writing blogs then maybe I can start thinking about the new future for
Reibus – and me.
you for reading.
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