Sunday, January 5, 2020

What else would you do, PM Morrison??

This morning SBS posted an article against Morrison for the latest ‘ad’ he’d approved. What he posted and what he said is stupidity!

The bushfires are federal, and people are dying and property burned right to the ground. The bushfires have been burning for months, and have gotten worse since before Christmas, yet Morrison still vanished over to Hawaii. Since he got back he has wandered around some of the dead properties, still wearing a tie and with his hands in his own pockets. He is not the PM or the leader that he thought he was. Only his wife gave a volunteer firefighter a hug which he absolutely needed! Morrison had to grab the hand of a woman who wouldn’t shake his hand – why did he??

Why is the world being told that Australia defence forces are being used – troops, helicopters, ships – to fight the fires so late in the season? Why didn’t Morrison want to give volunteers any funds when they had been there for weeks already? Why did he then agree to pay only the NSW volunteers when the funds for these bushfires are now federal and needed by every firie volunteer?

Why has Morrison denied climate change, and anything from that which had set off the bushfires?

This video, from Morrison, should not have been posted at all. The defence troops should have been called in weeks ago, and maybe between them and volunteers and firies they might have controlled the fires and might have saved lives and property.

There’s a lot more work to be done, PM Morrison. Just don’t ignore it!

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