Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What a difference the years make

With apologies to Dinah Washington for the misappropriation of the song title.

Honestly, I hadn't realised that it's been nearly a year since I posted to this blog.  I've been so caught up in all my personal troubles and strife that time has slipped away.  But this isn't a post about my crap, this is about music.  Specifically, the music that has helped me overcome so many demons over many years. 

As a teenager I was, like many girls of 13-14 at the time, seriously in love with David "I Think I Love You" Cassidy.  He was the late 60s-early 70s version of Justin Beiber.  That's no recommendation, I know, but hey, I was young! I find it quite telling, now, that his website cover pic is made up of pictures of him from that time.  This is a man still living in the past.

At the same time I enjoyed a group of teenage heartthrobs, The Monkees.  (Are these guys the 60s version of One Direction??) This group also has a picture from that era on their website - what IS it with these aging pop stars??  Can we expect to see 2013 Justin Beiber on his 2040 website??

I dabbled only a little then with The Beatles and Elton John.

I got serious after that - Pink Floyd, Uriah Heep, Jethro Tull, Lou Reed, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Santana, Yes.  Some of those groups I never grew out of - maybe I am still living in my past - except that some of these, like Yes, have reincarnated themselves over and over again during the past 45 years and are still playing today.  

For quite a few years, when my kids were growing up, I don't remember playing music much.  Maybe it's just a "mum" thing.  I rediscovered my love of sounds in the 21st century, when I joined the then-new Body Combat classes at Les Mills Fitness and danced and punched and kicked my way through so many tracks that I knew intimately and could sing to.  I loved it! At the same time I began listening again to stuff I hadn't heard in years - Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells, Alan Parsons Project, Doobie Brothers.  As I ventured out into social activity again when my youngest turned 16, I met people with similar musical tastes - well, we were born in the same era so that was probably understandable!

In the next few years I grew to enjoy some classical music, especially Ravel's Bolero, Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture and Vivaldi's Four Seasons before moving on to more recent relaxing music like Kenny G.  Most recently I have been adding many mainstream women singers to my playlist, including but certainly not limited to Carole King, Tori Amos, Natalie Imbruglia, Missy Higgins, Adele, Karise Eden, Sade.

I have never liked country, opera, rap, punk or anything seriously "out there" and  I can't see that changing - confirming, maybe, but not changing. I still play a lot of the stuff I loved in the 70s, most prominently Pink Floyd and Alan Parsons Project, but my tastes have mellowed somewhat from the heavier rock. I guess it's like anything, really.  As we mature, so do our likes and dislikes (I never used to like pumpkin or fruit cake - now I love them). I have no doubt my tastes will continue to mature. 

Before I leave I will put in a plug for the most amazing Brisbane duo, whom I met recently at Boggo Road Market - The Twine.  Love them.  Check them out for yourselves!

Turn up the volume!

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