Monday, November 19, 2012

I don't own a house

Not any more.  I've had four.  I had no choice over what happened to them but I no longer miss them or the social context of property ownership.  They were a burden I can do without, in so many ways.

The western world places a great deal of emphasis on property ownership as an indicator of wealth.  Sadly, as we have seen in Spain with mortgage suicides, property is also an indicator of the sort of debt that most people simply can't comprehend.  Bricks and mortar should never be considered so valuable that someone would take their own life because of it.

Around the world people are divested of their houses for so many reasons - war, natural disasters, financial strife, greed.  It's only when you no longer have something that you once valued that you really start to question just what is of value.

To me, now, a house is simply a building that shelters the things I hold dear.  Home is being surrounded by photos and books and music and people I love and my furry friends - all the things I can take with me wherever I choose to be.

At this point in my life I choose to rent, I choose to have the freedom to move if I want, I choose not to have the mortgage or the maintenance or the stress. 

I may never again own a house - that will be my choice.

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