Saturday, March 7, 2020

Welcome, Luca!

Seven days ago, 1 March 2020, my granddaughter Luca Lee Lynch was born. I didn't get to see her until Wednesday this week, 4 March, and I won't see her again until her parents, Esther and Karina, take her home. She's a gorgeous baby, and I remember when her mother was born. That was in Taupo, New Zealand, and that hospital did not have epidural which I needed, so I screamed... and screamed... and screamed from pain. Of course, when my son had been born earlier in Waikato hospital, they had epidural and I had no pain. It wasn't simply a choice - it was for my lower spine injury.

In 2017, 1 in 3 had caesarian section (AIHW report). Back in 1980s-1990s it was only 1 in 6 (another AIHW report). Perhaps this will increase as our dateline moves forward (and I'm not saying that is okay - I hate scars, perhaps that's personal). Es had previously planned a caesarian, but that didn't happen - my granddaughter was born naturally, with her mother on epidural for pain.

Epidural is explained in the government health page - have a look if you don't know about it. Unfortunately, a British newspaper, the Guardian, wrote very recently of epidural which had been refused to women. I was shocked with the reasons they gave - and I am so pleased that for my pain when my son was born 35 years ago I had epidural almost immediately. In the 1960s New Zealand was ahead of the rest of the world with how they looked after labour pain. Epidural was used, then, only for forceps and caesarian deliveries (p.8). Thankfully it has changed. Some who choose it now may have a different need for it, or perhaps they don't need it. Perhaps all women are afraid of the pain that birth can cause. Or perhaps the (male) doctors have never entertained the pain that we women have had in birth. Except I know there are some women there also who think that the pain is necessary. Get that right, women - don't make all of us feel that pain! 

My granddaughter isn't my first grandchild - 5 of them live in New Zealand - but she's the first girl I will have contact often with. I am so looking forward to this! Thank you, Esther and Karina, and ....


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