Jump forward, to 2016. Suicide is reported in
ABS, who said that the (2013) median age for suicide was 44.5 and the median
age for all deaths was 81.7. Lifeline said that in 2012 it reached 11 per
100,000 of all people. They said that suicide is the 'leading cause of death
for Australians aged between 15 and 44'.
But they also said 'We all have a role to play
in suicide prevention'.
Move sideways. Or just turn around and look at
people you don't know. Maybe you used to but you don't even know them anymore. Are
they on unemployment? DSP? Childcare? Did they ever work? What happened to them
to put them where they now are? Was their employer stuffing their employment?
(Palmer Queensland Nickel – 550 kicked out when his business goes down the
ditch but he's still in politics; Australian government – 3,000 ship building jobs now in Spain; hospitality
employers in Victoria and SA prefer employees on a 457; Australian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry claim the temporary visa holders are helping tourism; central
meat workers said there were practically no cattle for meat; car manufacturers closed down, and so many more…)
The LNP has said that anyone wanting to work can. What they don't seem to realise is
that anyone terminated from their employer
after a sham way to get rid of them might mean that to work they need to move.
If they have their own home and a family, what will happen to them? Do they
live in, say, SA and find that the only decent work is in Sydney? Do they have
to move there?
How many of those will suicide? How many will
even think of it?
is not bad. Suicide is considered to
be the last step in this world. I can think exactly that. In 2014 ABS reported
that Australia was one of 7 countries where people had a life expectancy of
more than 80. Those other countries are Japan, Italy, Switzerland, Iceland,
Israel and Sweden. Three years ago Australia might have still been pretty close
to these others. Looking at those other countries, I think that they have a high belief in
themselves which doesn't take anything from their lower (unemployed?) people
but treats them with respect. That no longer happens in Australia.
ABS reported that employment would trend up by
19.8k from December 2015 to January 2016. In fact, on the seasonal adjustment
estimates this went down by 7.9k. Full-time
employment decreased 40,600, and part-time employment increased 32,700. Unemployment increased
30,200, unemployed persons looking for full-time work increased by 25,600 and the number of unemployed persons only looking
for part-time work increased 4,600.
The unemployment rate went up to 6%, 761,400 in January.
Why doesn't this government see that? Why don't
they care?
Go back now to 1976. If you've never seen this
movie, then perhaps you can hire it. It won't do much for you because it's an
old movie and didn't really awe people. So just watch the shorts which are on
the YouTube link. And think about suicide. And think about how something like
this could be added into our civilisation, maybe upwards a bit to, say, 50?
Would that be something you would
want to do?
Suicide in Australia is around 11 per 100,000.
In westernised countries around the world it is not considered to be a crime,
but "the law explicitly allows any person to use 'such force as may reasonably
be necessary' to prevent another from taking their own life". Death by suicide
involves hanging, cutting, shooting, jumping, drowning or pretty much anything
which doesn't shine for anyone who thinks that suicide is all left for them.
Here's a suggestion.
Build a block with a high – very high – central vacuum.
Have, up the top, an annihilator. Dress up every person who has voted for this,
and let them celebrate their own
death. Don't defy them. Maybe there
will only be one visit to this place, but I see something like this just
happening… and maybe the future might just come right when the extremely (sickeningly)
rich people who are running this country finally come into their own heads.
Logan's Run… definitely sounds real.
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