Friday, November 2, 2018

Suicide is NOT murder

This afternoon I responded to a post I’d seen from ABC which reported that Graham Morant was found guilty of talking his wife into, and buying things for her to, commit suicide and expecting her $1.4 million insurance. This man is religious, so normally I would not support him, but what did he do??

Suicide is a PERSON’S CHOICE! No one can talk them into doing that. What sort of choice do they have? Why didn’t the jury and the judge seem to believe him? Is talking a person into committing suicide murder? Is it called any other thing? Does the population have no respect for a person who commits suicide? Do you know why she did it?

Jennifer Morant had chronic pain in her back. That seems to have affected her for a long time. Perhaps it was affecting her life. said that she was “horrified” when her husband spoke about building a ‘bunker’ against a ‘rapture’. If she was horrified by this, she would not have let him talk her into suicide. According to her sister, Lynette Lucas, “Jenny was horrified that he had all these plans. She said she didn’t want to be part of the communal environment.” If she had been so horrified by this, why would she have committed suicide?? 

I am atheist, I do not believe in religion, but Jennifer Morant’s suicide had nothing to do with Graham Morant’s plans. It had everything to do with how ill his wife was. SHE chose to commit suicide. HE did not murder her. If he was not religious or had not planned on building a bunker, would he have been found guilty?

Beyond Blue has a website which you should check out, and this picture which shows how a person talks about or thinks about suicide before they attempt it.

If they don’t talk to anyone about just how they feel, if they just want to ‘do it’, it is the person’s choice.

Why don’t you support that?


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