What is One Billion Rising? According
to the OBR website, it had started in 2012 and the first
OBR dance was in 2013. They said: “One Billion Rising is the
biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history.
The campaign, launched on Valentine’s Day 2012, began as a call to
action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the
planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world
population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN
AND GIRLS. On 14 February 2013, people across the world came together
to express their outrage, strike, dance, and RISE in defiance of the
injustices women suffer, demanding an end at last to violence against
Four years ago, at the end of 2012 and
the beginning of 2013, I started a One Billion Rising dance group in
Brisbane to get people involved in OBR around the world. The
intention of the group was raising knowledge in public on 14
February. Valentine's Day here is usually romance. We were trying to
turn it to understanding abuse. Ours was a very small dance group:
only 30-odd turned up for the strike dance in Brisbane's Queens St Mall, but it
went down so very well. We had our pics taken at the end of the
Queens St Mall and we felt as if we had won against the world – or
at least a part of Brisbane – for the OBR.
Later that year I was also involved in
the Vagina Monologues, an excellent play written by Eve
Ensler, which raised knowledge about how women are abused. It was
real. I met some people who
had danced in OBR with me, and other who became friends.
Around that time I
had already started the One Billion Rising Brisbane Facebook page,
which still exists and has 244 followers. If I had attended to that
then maybe it would have grown, but I had a stroke, with aphasia,
nearly 3 years ago and I haven't done anywhere near as much as I
should have. I asked in a public message if there were any followers
who would take over this page, but no response.
year, 2017, was celebrated at midnight as the end of 2016, an
extremely bad year for so many people. Yet I can't see ahead for 2017
because, for me, there are too many things happening throughout the
world which will continue to happen – and will get worse. Australia
has been writing from Centrelink to beneficiaries about what they
owe, when the beneficiaries know they don't owe.
Too many people in this country committing suicide. Too many
politicians have been kicked out of the front bench – and all of
them should resign. Too much abuse against women. Too many work
safety injuries and death. Too many pensioners robbed by the
government when their own
just make money. And more... and more.
In the
USA the President-elect, Trump, should never
have been elected. What I see that happened – anger about how poor
people are really living – is very similar to what happened in
Australia as One Nation was elected, even though Hanson is no better
than Trump and nothing will ever get better. UK last year voted
Brexit, Prutin from Russia cares very little at all about the rest of
the world, nuclear weapons are growing alarmingly between governments
who are supposed to be running their country for their people, and
far too many TPPAs.
Two countries,
China and India, between them have one third of the entire population
of the planet. Where does that leave us, those who protest against
abuse against women, coal mining, break-down of the Barrier Reef,
water issues, politicians, health, education et al et al et al?
Billion Rising is a very valuable protest against abuse, but as the
world population grows alarmingly, as the majority of people in
control of this planet are male, as women in every single country
throughout this sad growth have no control over their true futures,
how do we look forward? I know that protests will still happen from
OBR, protests against us
will still happen from anti-OBR, but what else will happen? Will this
protest, which I am still very proud of, keep happening? Will the
abuse which happens against women throughout the world actually stop?
If not, why? Why??

OBR acknowledges
each event throughout the world, and there is one here in Brisbane at the Powerhouse at New Farm, run by Vulcana Women’s Circus, WaW
Dance, BDVS and Nia Australia. I hope there are many people who will
go to this, many people who will write about it, share it, talk to
people about it.
I hope that
Brisbane will dance for OBR.
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