This morning I walked my dogs down to the Woody Point Bramble Bay walk, and I already knew it would be cool (cold) outside, so I wore my jacket and a long sleeved jersey and a neck scarf. Just as well. Maybe I have been sent to a "poor day" discipline, but I was a little concerned that so many walkers didn't wear what I was wearing to stay warm. Is there some sort of resident lives shared with long-lived residents?
I seem to have a long memory of Inala, and yet I only lived there for 16 months. I seemed to walk most days, and I was over it. There was, often, dried grass throughout the streets, from what seemed to be no more rain. Winter was cold, but didn't seem to clandestinely invade my skin with low temperature. I just used 2 heaters in the house, and seemed to keeping everything at a "normal" heat. Now, at Woody Point, I seem to be colder than ever before, and I don't like it. When the heat comes out I love it, and will walk most of the time. Yet when it loses temperature, I seem to be growing something I haven't had for a while - a cold.
I worked as a volunteer in the Redcliffe KiteFest in the Clontarf park, Pelican Park, last weekend. Saturday was great, to start with, and I even started an hour before I had been registered. I had a wander around the festival before I started, and some ground-crawling kites took my eye although they never actually "raced". Many of the girl children seemed to turn up dressed in the princess clothes or fairy clothes, something which I'm afraid I actually object to because I don't see those clothes as true "real" clothes for the girls alone.

Perhaps I have just over-seen Woody Point, and now I need to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n to admire it.
I said goodbye to my visiting sister last Friday and this week I have 3 appointments - one with North Lake CBRS to look over at help they could offer me, one to vollie as temp at the PAA, and my usual speech therapy at Redcliffe. I haven't work out yet if 3 coming appointments are too many. Perhaps I'm just too "good" for the medical team... I will have to work that out!
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