Looking elsewhere, I'd found
newDemocracy Foundation in a comment in an article on
Facebook. I read through their website and became (further)
intrigued. nDF is a democratic group which says on their website: “We
innovate in how we do democracy”. It was founded by the Transfield
Managing Director, Luca Belgiorno-Nettis, who is also part of “many
of its subsidiary companies, as well as a Director of Sydney Harbour
Tunnel Ltd and non-executive director of Perisher Blue Pty Ltd”.
In this sort of corporate environment,
I would never have thought he was democratic. I looked up the other
board, executive, research committee and supporters, and found
that many in nDF said they were ALP, others said they were LNP, and
some were even different political parties: Greens, for instance. No
political base, but certainly a democracy base.
In February of 2009 newDemocracy was a
supporter for the convention called the Citizen Parliament,
along with the Australian National University, the University of
Sydney and the Curtin University of Technology. Back in 2009 I didn't
really have anything in Aus politics which I could blog about (I
wasn't a citizen back then but I certainly did write about some
policies), but this year it started winding me up. I became a citizen
in January, became more and more frustrated with how this government
was treating people like me on DSP (as well as any other person who
received any sort of Centrelink income), almost cried when LNP
crawled into government again when I'd been waiting for them to just
disappear, and very recently I became more frustrated with how this
government and their supporters don't seem to have any awareness of
how anyone on a Centrelink income has to live in poverty.
I started to find other democratics,
even in Australia! (Yes, that certainly gave me a shock... democratic
people who just worked so well in this country!) I found examples of
Citizen Jury sittings which had happened in NSW, ACT, Vic and SA, and
similar in Qld, WA, NT or TAS. It seemed they are springing up all
over Aussie:
- democracyCo started in 2014 and runs the Deliberative Collective who operates in SA
- Arts Queensland printed a pdf which gives “Tips for identifying community need and demand”
- Infrastructure Victoria was reported as the watchdog on iseekplant website
- Tasmania Government's Department of Health and Human Services has engaged Citizen Juries for the decision-making process
- Your Say in SA talks about Citizen Juries
- The People's Panel acts in Melbourne, and
- Queensland government has a website called Get Involved, which lists consultations which you can have you say if you want to.
I am sure that there are more than
these throughout Australia, but am I the only one who didn't know
about them? Can I blame my stroke?
are two consultations which I will respond to in Queensland: Adapting
to climate change: have your say
which closes 14 December this year, and Help shape South
East Queensland's future which
is open until 3 March 2017. I read, in nDF, how to prepare myself for
a “sitting”, which is a bit different than these issues, but I
still have a lot of words inside my head which I need to get out onto
paper to get back to them.
I am a
“Baby boomer”, not a “Gen X” or a “Millenial”, but I
reckon I still have 10-20-30 years to still live and still watch
politics... and still get damned frustrated when I see a government
who doesn't follow the public. “Democracy” is listed by
as “government by the people; a form of government in
which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised
directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral
system.” That sounds very
good... so why isn't it?
government in Australia right now isn't democratic.The public in
Australia should look at how they can fix this issue.