Who reading this was
alive 50 years ago, with a world population only 3.086 billion? Who is only
young, happy with their life now within a world population of 7.207 billion?
Not me. Just not.
I had a lovely youth in my country (New Zealand). I was born in 1956,
and our population was only around 2.3 million at that time, only three and a
half times less than Aussie. NZ has now doubled, to just over 4 million. Not at
all bad.
Australia, however, has grown like the rest of the growing world – not
too far behind other certain Western countries such as German, France, Canada,
Italy, Spain, UK and USA. Australia was 8.2 million in the 50s, but has
increased now up to 21.9 million. Three times population more in Australia, and
more than five and a half population
larger than NZ. Too much.
So what is Australia doing to control this? Other, of course, than
holding their boat refugees in very wrong refugee camps on Nauru.
When LNP won the election 2 years ago they had spent a long time flouncing
Julia Gillard, calling her anything they wished to do so. There were no complaints
in newspapers, no court cases for Gillard, no apologies. Abbott, Hockey,
Brandis, Pyne, Morrison, Bishop et al just simply ignored… everyone.
Looking at the LNP budget this year is so pitiful, it should be dumped.
Yet I don’t ever expect them to take this sort of action. LNP seems to be
agreeing with population growth. Far too many people have come here and applied
for and got citizenship, but so many of them are not NZers, not Arabics, not
Muslims. Not rich. Not workers. Many own companies which are not even based in
Australia – and they don’t even pay tax. They are happy to employ a 457, but
would not employ any person on Centrelink unemployment.
Recent reports on ABC talked about how much plastic ends up in the
ocean and kills fish and mammals. So very sad, yet so many of the 7.207 billion
population just don’t seem to care. Anyone who says they will help to clean it
up must be a God, yet their help is too little.
Within every country trees are continuing to be cut down, ruining the
air in those areas…. and spreading to the rest of the world. Anyone who
protests about this should get an award, yet their help is too little.
Climate change is essential to reduce the climate problems throughout
this populated world. Anyone who will plant trees and care for their environmental
should be supported, yet their help is too little.
The EU in 2011completed a survey to what people considered to be primary challenges. These
#9 Proliferation of
nuclear weapons
#8 Armed conflict
#7 Spread of
infectious disease
#6 The increasing
global population
#5 Availability of
#4 International
#3 The economic
#2 Climate change, and
#1 Poverty, hunger and
lack of drinking water
There was a #10 – but no-one
knew what to say!
Global Issues reported
that 21,000 children die every single day in the world, and this tragedy would
very rarely meet headlines.
This site also reported that half of the
world’s population, more than 3 billion people, live on less than $2.50 each
That will never happen
to Australia. At least, not right now.
So what will the LNP
do for Australia? Can the LNP do
anything for Australia? What can it do, or will it do? Will this government
help out unemployed people, youth and oldies? Will this government support the
climate change so that this growing population will not, in the future, worry
about floods, rain, dryness, high temperatures, too much power, very expensive houses?
Will this government take from the rich and give to the poor? I really doubt
Abbott, Hockey, Brandis, Pyne, Morrison, Bishop et al just simply
ignored… everyone.
50 years ago New Zealand was a wonderful country, with excellent
neighbourhoods, small shops, safety, great driving, great… well, great living.
Aussie might already have been like that. But now NZ hasn’t grown as much as
Aussie. 10 years ago, when I
moved here, I loved Brisbane. I didn’t see any changes. More fool me. These
changes are just coming far too fast.

Otherwise, reader,
kiss your arse goodbye.